Sexual Assault

Effects of Sexual Trauma

What are the lasting effects of sexual violence? In this episode of #ResilientLivingTV we will look at the three main effects and how lives are changed forever. READ TRANSCRIPT BELOW EFFECTS OF SEXUAL TRAUMA PODCAST LISTENING OPTIONS: When it comes to sexual violence, the bruises are on the inside -Sexual, Physical, emotional, or mental abuse can have a profound effect on your overall well-being. The trauma can even trigger clinical depression, a serious mental health disorder. EFFECTS OF SEXUAL TRAUMA Depression It’s normal for survivors to have feelings of sadness, unhappiness, and hopelessness. If these feelings persist for an extended period of time, it may be an indicator of depression. Depression is not a sign of weakness and it’s not something you should be expected to “snap out...

Crisis Resources for Abuse and Assault Victims

Finding help when you feel there is no hope in escaping a life of abuse or any other crisis can be debilitating.  If you are in need of assistance, there are organizations that are available to help you. Many of these services are at no cost because you are too valuable. Get help now. Help someone in need and help eliminate abuse and assault. Crisis Resources This is a list of service providers that offer survivors and their loved ones the resources they need to reclaim their lives. I begin with my area (DFW) then list national organizations that may have an office near you. Please check your local area for similar services and be encouraged that there is help available. For IMMEDIATE EMERGENCIES, please DIAL 911 Dallas/Fort...


The Latest Blog

Self Imposed Friendship Responsibility

Welcome to a New Series of posts I am branding as EVOLution. Evolving in love. I woke up this morning with a renewed sense of freedom. A weight had been lifted. I have shared before that we as humans have a tendency to talk ourselves into relationships and that includes friendships. Once there we self-impose responsibilities for those people. We take responsibility for maintaining the friend/relationship even if it is not a healthy one. We tell ourselves, “Oh that is just him/her.” We overlook behaviors like selfishness or neediness and allow them to treat us in ways that don’t quite settle right in our spirit. Well, I use the quote by Maya Angelou,  “When people show you who they are believe them.” Someone I had known for around…

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