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The ABCs of Intimacy provides a diverse ingredient list for an intoxicating love cocktail. Ingredients such as respect, nurturing, support, affection, and openness; in heart, mind, and spirit, in order to better give and receive love; to accept new and pleasing experiences. The ingredients that form the foundation for your house of love to stand strong.
Self Imposed Friendship Responsibility
Welcome to a New Series of posts I am branding as EVOLution. Evolving in love. I woke up this morning with a renewed sense of freedom. A weight had been lifted. I have shared before that we as humans have a tendency to talk ourselves into relationships and that includes friendships. Once there we self-impose responsibilities for those people. We take responsibility for maintaining the friend/relationship even if it is not a healthy one. We tell ourselves, “Oh that is just him/her.” We overlook behaviors like selfishness or neediness and allow them to treat us in ways that don’t quite settle right in our spirit. Well, I use the quote by Maya Angelou, “When people show you who they are believe them.” Someone I had known for around…