ABCs of Intimacy (Hard cover book)



A deeper look inside the ABCs of Intimacy. 
“…Dr. Kat nails it from the beginning, where she clearly defines the differences between Intimacy and Sex. And equally important, the difference between what defines those two words for a woman, and for a man”. Ginnie Bivona, Author“Intimacy is the foundation of relationships. It begins at infancy. Those who lack intimacy lack what creates the bond, respect, and affection that supports love”. Dr. Kat Smith, a Doctor of Human Sexuality, offers a guide based on the foundation of all relationships – INTIMACY.

The ABCs of Intimacy provides a diverse ingredient list for an intoxicating love cocktail. Ingredients such as respect, nurturing, support, affection, and openness; in heart, mind, and spirit, in order to better give and receive love; to accept new and pleasing experiences. The ingredients that form the foundation for your house of love to stand strong.

Dr. Kat encourages the application of those missing ingredients into our relationships to assist in resolving issues and bringing about a more loving, dedicated, and satisfying relationship.

Join Dr. Kat Smith Intimalogist™ & learn your ABCs of Intimacy. Fortify the foundation of your relationship so that your house of love stands on solid ground. ABCs of Intimacy is one of many courses by Dr. Kat Smith.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Additional information

Weight 7.7 lbs
Dimensions 6.75 × 6.25 × .5 in


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