Seeds from Mama’s Garden


Seeds from Mama’s Garden is an inspiring, based-on-truth account of Katarina LeBlanc’s journey, led by the apparition of herself at nine years of age. Katarina revisits haunting memories and finds the strength to uproot the pain of abuse and unearth the source of her family’s pain.


Seeds from Mama’s Garden is an inspiring, based-on-truth account of Katarina LeBlanc’s journey, led by the apparition of herself at nine years of age. Katarina revisits haunting memories and finds the strength to uproot the pain of abuse and unearth the source of her family’s pain.

Caught up in the intricate torment, husband Jonathan is supportive as he awaits their reunion. As the seeds of love are planted, Katarina is pursued by co-worker Braxton while dealing with the appointment of a new client, Survivors of Abuse and Incest in Families (SAIF). In addition, Tellani Grayson, a representative of SAIF and clairvoyant, sees the child spirit and helps guide Katarina through visions of the past and future.

Available in Digital format only.

Published in the United States of America by TomKat Productions, LLC.
P. O. Box 701478 – Dallas, TX 75370-1478
ISBN: 978-0-9715024-6-8 Fiction
Manufactured in the United States of America First Edition
Cover design by Kat Smith


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